bangle size guide // finding the right fit

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when you're shopping for a new tsii made instrument string bangle, it helps to know what your bangle size is. bangles don't have clasps, which means you'll have to be able to slide the bangle over your hand. the best fitting bangle might be a little tough to get on, but won't fall off while you're wearing it. this simple guide should make finding the right bangle size easy & fun. 

all you need to do is measure the width of your knuckles when your hand is in a closed fist. match your measurement to the closest bangle size & shop on! 

note: tsii made bangles, like wrists & fists, are all one of a kind, so sizes, while accurate, are approximate. 

bangle sizes: 

extra small : 2 1/8 inches

small: 2 1/4 inches

medium: 2 3/8-1/2 inches

large: 2 3/4 inches

extra large: 2 7/8-3 inches